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Courage. Passion. Prosper.

Adorned with: Carnelian Crystal healing vibes are all about your courage to take the leap toward your dreams and is sometimes referred to as the gemstone form of a power beverage. It resonates strongly with the Sacral Chaka helping to create and bring about abundance, prosperity and love.

Scented with: Nothing like a candle with zing to get the creative juices going! Spice It Up is the perfect combo with the just-enough juicy sweetness of ripe oranges and the perfectly-tempered kick of sriracha chili peppers.

Notes you can expect: TOP – Ozone, Chili Pepper. MIDDLE – Orange, Mandarin, Guava. BOTTOM – Peppercorn.

Affirmation: I am a manifesting machine and create my own success.

What to do with your crystal: Remove it (refer to How to Safely Enjoy Your Candle in the main menu) and add it to your meditation routine, put it on display or leave it in place as the candle glow reveals its true color.